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Environment & Quality Policy Statement

1. Policy Statement

Fastbox Ltd is committed to an operational ethos that is based on openness in communication, integrity, fairness and concern for our employees, and a responsibility to the communities in which we operate. Our vision is to meet and exceed customer expectations for quality, safety, sustainability, cost, delivery, and value. We are dedicated to creating a profitable business culture that is based on the following principles.

Fastbox Ltd has developed an Integrated Environment and Quality Management System (EQMS) which follows the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 frameworks, which allows the organisation document and improve on quality and environmental practices to better satisfy the needs and expectations of customers, stakeholders, and any other interested parties.

2. Our Environment

ISO 14001 is an internationally agreed standard that sets out the requirements for an environmental management system, it exists to assist organisations improve their environmental performance through the more efficient use of resources and reduction of waste. It enables Fastbox to identify, manage, monitor, and control our environmental issues in a holistic manner. The standard requires us to consider all environmental issues, such as air pollution, water and sewage issues, waste management, soil contamination, climate change mitigation, and resource use and efficiency. It requires Fastbox to commit to continual improvement.

Fastbox recognises that in our day-to-day operations we inevitably impact on the environment in several ways and are committed to reduce our impact through continual improvement in our environmental performance. Our Commitments include:

  • Ensuring that we comply with all regulatory and legal requirements.
  • Identifying all our significant impacts on the environment and setting objectives and targets to reduce those impacts.
  • Promoting a sustainable approach to business, in partnership with all stakeholders, ensuring environmental issues are considered when designing our products and services.
  • Selecting materials for our products that have the lowest impact on our environments whilst maintaining product effectiveness.
  • Having controls in place minimise and respond to environmental pollution incidents.
  • Understanding the life cycle of our products, including the disposal of equipment or any other physical assets under our control.
  • Minimising the amount of waste to landfill through the adoption of the Waste Hierarchy.
  • Continual Improvement in our Environmental Performance, through the implementation our EMS, and the establishment of measurable environmental objectives and targets. These are documented, implemented, maintained, monitored, and reviewed.
  • Ensuring that we integrate sustainability into all our business decisions.
  • Monitoring and measuring our carbon impact and taking account of carbon management in our business decisions to reduce our contribution to overall climate change.
  • Updating our Company fleet to lower CO2, Hybrid and Electric technologies where appropriate.
  • Maintaining our EQMS system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001 and ISO 9001.
2.1. Raw Materials

Fastbox endeavours to purchase materials which cause the least damage to the environment, and stives to minimise the consumption and waste of virgin raw materials by using recycled materials wherever possible.

2.2. Land Management

All necessary precautions are taken to avoid causing damage or harm to the working site and adjacent properties, including the awareness of local flora and fauna. Recommendations are made to certain clients to aid in their management of areas on sites that could be or are used to create wildlife habitats.

Fastbox supports the development of brownfield sites, thus minimising the impact from new developments.

2.3. Energy Efficiency

Fastbox is committed to the reduction of energy usage by achieving greater efficiency in areas such as:

  • Transport ‑ Monitoring the movements of vehicles with the aim to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. Vehicles are regularly maintained to give optimum efficiency.
  • Electricity ‑ the use of low energy lighting systems throughout the organisations premises, switching off electricity consuming devices when not in use.
  • Commuting ‑ encouraging our employees to reduce their emissions in their commuting to and from work, through the promotion of carpooling and other emission reducing methods.
  • Sales Vehicle(s) ‑ Encouraging our office staff who utilise the use of company vehicles for sales visits and cold calling to plan their journeys in an efficient manner.
2.4. Waste Management

Fastbox works with other organisations with the aim of reducing, reusing, and recycling waste, including but not limited to:

  • Wastepaper generated by our activities will, where possible, be collected for recycling.
  • Waste oils will be collected and disposed of for recycling.
  • Diesel tanks, bowsers, and drums will be situated away from all forms of drainage channels, in bunded areas or with drip trays to avoid accidental contamination.
  • Construction waste will be reduced and where possible reused to substitute the use of other construction materials.
  • Where waste cannot be reused or recycled, it will be identified and placed into the correct skips for the relevant disposal method outlined by relevant Waste Regulations.
2.5. Pollution Control

Fastbox strives to reduce all forms of pollution by:

  • Utilising lead-free petrol or diesel.
  • Minimising pollution to air, water and land from business activities and work with relevant parties to ensure best practice.
  • Minimise noise pollution generated by business activities to limit the nuisance to the general public.

3. Our Quality

Fastbox is committed to achieving competitive excellence and providing our customers with services and products designed, produced, and maintained, to meet or exceed their expectations by:

  • Ensuring that we comply with all regulatory and legal requirements.
  • Our management team demonstrating leadership and commitment for establishing, implementing, integrating, and maintaining the quality management system in a commitment to satisfy the requirements for the international standard ISO 9001:2015.
  • Using our EQMS system to continually improve the services we offer.
  • Extending our EQMS practices throughout our Supply Chain.
  • Ensuring our EQMS system is subject to regular internal and external audits.
  • The quality management system will be monitored, measured, evaluated, and enhances regularly under top management responsibility, with regular reporting and communication of the status and effectiveness at all levels.

4. Our People

Fastbox is committed to equality of opportunity in employment and embraces diversity within the organisation. Our employees' welfare and interests are at the foremost of all aspects of our business and the way in which we conduct business activities. We are opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination and will not tolerate any form of bullying or harassment.

Fastbox believes that our human capital is one of the most valuable assets we possess. It is their collective skill and experience which provides our customers with the quality products and service they deserve and expect. We continually develop our personnel and upgrade their technical resources continuously to ensure that our standard of service makes our company name synonymous with excellence in product and service.

Fastbox is committed to:

  • Creating and nurturing an environment of success based on fairness, courtesy, honesty, and integrity.
  • Empowerment through training and communication.
  • Individual growth and equal opportunities.
  • Designing and providing a safe and secure work environment.
  • Supporting our employee's welfare.

5. Our Customers

We recognise that our customers' needs are paramount, and responding to their needs with enthusiasm and commitment is fundamental to our approach. We are continually striving to ensure that our customers' expectations are exceeded by applying a high level of technical expertise to provide proactive solutions to problems, generating cost savings and competitive advantage to our customers.

Beginning with a clear definition of customers' expectations, we strive to consistently meet or exceed them. We adhere to all applicable standards and customer specific requirements, and endeavour to provide processes that ensure we achieve this in order to build a robust and first-class business.

6. Our Community

Fastbox is committed to supporting the community within which we operate. We believe in the practice of Corporate Social Responsibility and encourage similar behaviour in our employees and suppliers.